IoT based Smart Shopping Cart
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A huge crowd in the supermarket at the time of discount offers or weekends makes trouble to wait in long queues because of a barcode-based billing process. It will introduce An automated smart shopping system is formed by introducing the concept of IoT to connect all items in the grocery shop. In the world of Internet of Things (IoT), interactions among physical objects have become a reality. Day to day items would now be able to be outfitted with computing power and communication functionalities, permitting objects everywhere to be associated with one another. This has brought a new revolution in industrial, financial and environmental systems and triggered great challenges in data management, wireless communications and real-time decision making.
Also, numerous security and protection issues have risen and lightweight cryptographic techniques are in high demand to fit in with IoT applications. There has been a lot of IoT experimentation on various applications such as smart homes, e-health frameworks, wearable gadgets, and so on. IoT is directly or indirectly tightly coupling of communication network and sensor network where the data management and data processing achieved by monitoring these processes intelligently. Using RF tag and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module one can achieve IoT based product, using ESP8266 module it is possible to interact with the web server using http or ftp protocol.
Proposed system is going to use the http get method to send and receive the data from web server. Web server will be loaded with MySQL database to store user and cart information, using RF ID scanner system will send get request to the web server to check for valid user information and valid product information. Server uses active php pages to receive the information from ESP8266 module and to get connected with MySQL data base, if it found the valid information then it will reply with pre-define message to the system, so that system can decode message and processed accordingly.
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