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Ambadas Shinde
Prajwal Itagi
Sachin R
Sangamanath Muddebihal
Prof. Sara Anjum


Wireless charging is a type of charging system that uses a magnetic field to transfer power to a magnetic field. Power is transmitted between devices (sender and receiver) through the same input process. Solar power is supplied to the input of the inductive transmitter coil, the inductive receiving coil receives power and converts it into electrical power to charge the battery. However, there are many challenges to using wireless charging on existing devices. In this paper, a framework for wireless charging methods and the latest developments is presented. In particular, the challenges of using wireless charging in network systems are discussed.

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How to Cite
Ambadas Shinde, Prajwal Itagi, Sachin R, Sangamanath Muddebihal, & Prof. Sara Anjum. (2022). WIRELESS SOLAR MOBILE CHARGER. International Organization of Research & Development | IORD | www.iord.In | Research and Development, 10(1). Retrieved from https://iord.in/index.php/iord/article/view/101

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