Analysis of Ambient Air Quality of Akola City, Maharashtra

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Dr. Amit P. Gawande


Presence of certain substances in air adversely affects human health, environment and climate. These chemicals are mainly added due to human activities. Maintaining air quality requires regular monitoring, identification of source of pollution and adoption of preventive measure. The objective of this study is to identify air pollution trend in Akola and investigate the factors contributing towards it. Data for analysis has been obtained from state pollution control board website and has been used without any modification. Three criteria pollutants measured regularly and for longest period of time, sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) and respirable particulate matter (PM10) have been investigated for air quality analysis.


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How to Cite
P. Gawande, D. A. . (2020). Analysis of Ambient Air Quality of Akola City, Maharashtra. International Organization of Research & Development | IORD | www.iord.In | Research and Development, 8(1), 3. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Dr. Amit P. Gawande