Development of HEC-HMS model for flood early warning system in Brahmani basin

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Abhinav PankaJ


Flood warning and Stream flow forecast prior to the event are an effective and non-structural method of flood damage mitigation. In this paper, a hydrological was developed for Flood warning Brahmani river basin, India. HEC-HMS software is used to develop the model. The HEC-HMS model relates precipitation upstream to river flow downstream. The modelling approach includes rainfall-run-off modelling, flow routing, calibration and validation of the model with the field discharge data. CARTOSAT Digital Elevation Model of 30 m resolution, land use/land cover and soil textural data of the study area were used in the modelling to compute topographic and hydraulic parameters. Using historical precipitation event of 2001 and 2005, the model was calibrated and validated to accurately predict the peak hydrograph caused by the precipitation event. From the results, it is found that computed discharges are very well matching with the observed discharges. The developed model can provide the Flood warning with more than 30 h lead time

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How to Cite
Abhinav PankaJ. (2021). Development of HEC-HMS model for flood early warning system in Brahmani basin. International Organization of Research & Development | IORD | www.iord.In | Research and Development, 8(2), 6. Retrieved from