Enhancing Data Safety on Cloud by using Hybrid Method

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Miss sakshi D. junare
Prof. M. U. Karande


This unique attribute, however, poses many new security challenges which haven't been well understood during this paper, I concentrate on secure data storage on cloud, which has always been a crucial aspect of quality of service (QOS) to make sure the secure storage of user’s data on cloud, our propose research work on an actual and scalable and valid authentication using face detection verified by admin. “Data computing is also the sole thanks to handle rapid, Cloud on data in any number of formats and with any number of relationships” Data Security is taken into account as major aspect in cloud system while using an application. Data security may be implemented with reference to user authentication and authorization using cryptography system. Data security involves encrypting and decrypting the initial data still as ensuring that appropriate policies are enforced for data sharing during this paper, we are going to discuss data security on cloud yet as network environment. 

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How to Cite
Miss sakshi D. junare, & Prof. M. U. Karande. (2022). Enhancing Data Safety on Cloud by using Hybrid Method. International Organization of Research & Development | IORD | www.iord.In | Research and Development, 10(1). Retrieved from https://iord.in/index.php/iord/article/view/91