Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Intelligent Irrigation System

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Pradnya Vikhar
Sejal Mahendra Dhande
Ritika Sunil Bhavsar
Mayuri Haridas Gawte
Vaishnavi Kiran Patil


The Internet of Things (IoT) is very vast and emerging field now days. Being the base of digital India, IoT can be implemented in almost every part of life which enables the life of common people easy. In this paper, the main focus of application of IoT is in agricultural field. Watering of plants is important activity in agricultural.
Here the concept of intelligent irrigation system is proposed which primarily worked using Internet of Things (IoT) via the Nodemcu controller. The main objective of this paper is to automate and control the irrigation processes remotely using Temperature, Moisture and humidity sensors. The system senses the humidity, moisture and temperature at real time, and controls the irrigation system based on the values of these parameters. The working of system is dual in nature; it controls the flow of water from Tab and at the same time send message to the owner about values of humidity, moisture and temperature along with the details of automated activity.

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How to Cite
Pradnya Vikhar, Sejal Mahendra Dhande, Ritika Sunil Bhavsar, Mayuri Haridas Gawte, & Vaishnavi Kiran Patil. (2022). Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in Intelligent Irrigation System. International Organization of Research & Development | IORD | www.iord.In | Research and Development, 10(1). Retrieved from

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